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All of our town roads have a legal right of way that is specified in Chapter 82 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. This right of way is a total of 66 feet in width or 33 feet on either side of the center of the roadway:

Our town government is responsible for the management of these roads and their right of ways for the benefit and safety of the public. This includes the trimming and removal of trees, ditch maintenance and road widening as deemed necessary by the Board:

No person may alter a highway in any way. A right of way can not be altered in any way without first getting permission from the Board:

The Board has the authority and responsibility to keep the highways free of encroachments such as fences, stands, buildings or other structures or objects. The procedures  for this board process can be found here:

As you can see, this is serious business.

Our pledge to you as a board is that we will do our best to carry out our responsibilities regarding these issues in a balanced and consistent way.